How is everyone doing today? I hope all is well.
For today's entry, I'd like to share with you some things that are relevant to what's been on my mind lately, and that is HALLOWEEN + Halloween COSTUMES.
I love, love, love dressing up, painting my face, throwing parties, etc. -- all things that can easily be related to the next holiday coming up at the end of next month. And so, for this post, I'd like to give you some AWESOME ideas for simple, cheap, DIY costumes for that fun Halloween party you may be attending when the time comes. I've got you covered from individual women's and men's costumes to couples' costumes. [Disclosure: I hate those stupid "sexy" costumes that are advertised to women every single year. LADIES: YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT. Put on some clothes and act like a Goddamn lady for once in your life.] -- Sorry, ranting, but you catch my drift, no? All you will find here are costume ideas that require you to wear more than just a bra and some short shorts. So I have forewarned you. If you're one of those girls who wants to dress like a prostitute for Halloween, you're in the wrong place. So anyway - here you go, my fun, modest, FAMILY-FRIENDLY costumes for you to use and enjoy.

1. Historical female figure - Whether it's Amelia, Cleo, or even Rosie the Riveter, you're bound to shine and show off your powerful feminist side with these costumes. Amelia Earhart - throw on a white scarf, leather jacket, bomber hat and goggles ( has a kit you can purchase for around $8 + shipping). Cleopatra - my friend Milly here went all out with this one; and all she did was invest in some fabric from JoAnn's! And then Rosie the Riveter is probably the simplest costume you could do - red lipstick, red bandana, and jean shirt with rolled up sleeves.
2. Female celebrity - The most popular female celebrities (that I can think of off the top of my head at this current moment) include Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe. For Audrey, stick with the classy Breakfast at Tiffany's look - black dress, tiara, pearls, black gloves. And for Marilyn, the ever popular look is the white dress. Some would argue that the Marilyn costume is a bit risque, but let me just say that a beautiful pleated white dress is better than a mini-tutu and a crop top. In my opinion, anyway. If you disagree, well, we can argue about that later. But anyway - these classy ladies make fun and easy costumes for Halloween.
3. Fictional character - From Minnie Mouse to Cinderella to any other Disney princess you can think of to Alice in Wonderland to Wonder Woman, get creative! There are so many options out there. And to any of those that I have not mentioned, GOOGLE, or PINTEREST. No matter where you look, you are bound to find a million and one ideas that are right up your alley! Go crazy with ideas - but don't overdo it on your budget. Keep it simple, but chic! Invest in the dollar store, your nearest craft/fabric store, WalMart, etc. There are so many ways to save money on a simply awesome Halloween costume.
Men's Costume Ideas:
1. Superhero - 'Nuff said. Batman, Superman, Captain America, Thor - doesn't matter if you're a DC or a Marvel guy, there's so many opportunities out there for you to ROCK THAT CAPE and those SPANDEX UNDIES. You think I'm kidding. Make sure you get your hero's colors right. If you're not a costume guy, just wear that Batman t-shirt you already have in your drawer and add a mask. Keep it simple, but cool - just like you.
2. Hipster - Yes, hipsters are everywhere, and you hate them. So, why not be one for a night? Try it on for size? Mock those suckers!

3. Gift from God - if you're a funny guy who's full of himself (but only in a joking manner, because we all hate those egotistical men that like to walk around struttin' their stuff), wrap yourself in a box, pop on a ribbon or bow, and create this gift tag-- "To: Women, From: God." You're gonna get some laughs out of this one, for sure. And if you don't, then, well, you didn't do it right, sir. But it's worth a shot, and a few laughs (even if only from me or from yourself).
4. Other clever ideas for all you men out there: that crazy-haired guy from Ancient Aliens - gel up that hair, and put on your game face. Prisoner - orange jumpsuit or striped clothes with a black mask, male historical figure (i.e. Julius Caesar, George Washington, George Bush, Barack Obama), "scary" costumes (i.e. Freddy Krueger, Mike Myers, etc.).
Couples' Costume Ideas:
1. Woody + Jessie (from Toy Story). Go the old-fashioned route and put it together yourself with some bandanas, boots, and cowboy hats. Or do what me and my boyfriend did: bought the costumes cheap on But to add my own "DIY"-ness, I spray painted my hair red, tied it back in a braid and yellow ribbon, then and drew on some freckles!
2. Mario + Luigi. Again, my boyfriend and I bought the costumes, but you can always do it yourself with some overalls, green and red tees, baseball caps, and some felt mustaches!
3. Wayne + Garth (from Wayne's World). I'm not a fan, but maybe you are and you'd love this idea. Get some wigs, hats, glasses, old '90s jeans and tees, and you're set!
4. Gatsby + Daisy (from The Great Gatsby). This is my favorite book EVER, hence the fact that I'm using it as a fun costume idea for you to try out. I am for sure going to be doing this one next year with Vince. Grab a suit for your guy, a '20s dress and a glittery headband for you.

Until then, my friends - get craftin' on your costumes, and share them with me in a month.
Thanks for reading!
xoxo, Clare
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