It's been a while! I apologize. I've been quite quite quite busy.

And for those of you who have graduated and are out in the real world (I'm talking to you, Caitlin), I'm sorry if you find this post as somewhat taunting you, but don't worry - these are not my intentions. Or are they?
For today's blog entry, I'd like to point out a number of things you can do as a student going back to school. Here are some ideas for making the most out of this time of year - school-wise, anyway. (I will more than likely be making an autumn blog post later!)
1. School supplies. I mean, really, that's kind of enough said, because who doesn't love school supplies shopping? You get all new notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, art supplies, etc. Don't spend a small fortune, but have fun with it; get some colorful and unique items to pimp out your supplies.
2. New clothes. Again, sort of enough said, haha. But also again, do not spend a ton of money. You're probably a broke college student, so maybe expanding your wardrobe to some extravagant is not what you can really afford to do right now. Instead, try thrift shopping? It's worth a shot! Or, if you're not into that, the clearance rack at any store is a Godsend.
3. Go to class. This is one of my biggest problems - I skip class constantly. And I regret it every time. (When will I learn?) Well, I'm learning now, and I'm telling you from my perspective that you need to just go. No matter how much you hate it - you will be happier in the long run that you went. Also - PAY ATTENTION. Take notes. Participate. You are essentially paying this professor to teach you. Make the most of your money. You will learn a lot more going to class than you will skipping it.
4. Do your homework. Not only do you need to be going to class, but you need to do the work. And give it your best. If biology isn't your thing, at least show that you put forth 100% effort, even if you wind up with a 50% as your grade. Also- it's quite embarrassing to show up to class not having done the work, because then you have nothing to contribute, and if your teacher is a butthead and singles you out individually to answer a question, you kind of want to be prepared.
5. Mingle with your classmates. You may not like everyone in your class- I have this super weird girl in one of my classes this semester and I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle it, but I'm trying!- but you need to do like I am, and try and get to know some of these people. They can either help or hinder you. Hopefully the first one. Open up to them about the work and/or the class - "I found last night's homework to be kind of difficult," "This teacher sucks," etc. Make a new friend or acquaintance.
I think that's all for now. If I think of more, I will add later. I hate school, so this post is kind of lame. But I felt it was relevant to the time so I figured I'd write something about it...
Anyway - more posts later? Probably. Gotta avoid all the homework I have somehow.
Peace, homies.
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