I've been seeing a whole lotta stuff about being 22, and I guess I can sort of understand why: 22 is when you've likely graduated college (at least undergrad), and you're either off to do more schooling (graduate, etc.) or you're off into the big world. So get your big boy (or girl) pants on and get out there and let's get goin'. And I can see why 22 is more important and "wise" than 21, you've been legally allowed to drink for more than a year and you're "growing old" and turning into a "real adult."
I have yet to hear or see anything about being a year older, being my ripe old age of 23. So then, what happens a year later? Are you happy? Are you successful? Are you a "real" adult now?

Though 23 isn't much older than 22, it can still teach you a whole hell of a lot of stuff about life. For tonight's blog post, I give you some of my own life lessons, as well as other unimportant stuff that being 23 has taught me. So here you go-- 23 things you learn by the time you're 23:
1. 23 isn't just a number. It's a symbol. It's Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls number, it's a movie with Jim Carrey, it's a stupid, shitty song by Miley Cyrus. When you divide 2 by 3, you get .666. So at 23, you're basically the devil. All joking aside, what I'm saying is, it has a lot more meaning than you think. And you can interpret it however you like.
2. Is staying out late really all that much fun? The answer is no. At least, in my opinion. Though I'll be honest in saying I've never really been out to party or drink the night away until the wee hours of the morning, let me just say at 23, it appeals to me less and less. I'm sure plenty of people will agree with me on this (and many will disagree, but hey- to each his own!). Two things though, disagree-ers: your bed + Netflix.
3. How to set your priorities straight. There is a hell of a lot going on in your life right now / by now, and you've got to learn to balance it all in order to stay happy, healthy, and most importantly: SANE. But you got this. You've made it this far, why not keep going? Priorities, well... What's most important to you right NOW? School, work, family, friends, whatever it may be--make it your A-Numero-Uno. And if it's wine + Netflix, just like I mentioned in #2, then so be it. Ain't nobody gon' judge you, sista.
4. Life is not a competition. Or a race. You're not being pitted against anyone, so chill out. Your brother just graduated and was offered a high-paying career, that girl from your high school just got engaged, this dude from work just married his long-time girlfriend, and your best friend is pregnant, AGAIN. But you're doing YOU. And that's OKAY. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT compare yourself or your situation or your life's path to anyone else's. You're steadily moving along your little dirt road of life, but you're MOVING. That's all that matters.
5. Family means a lot more than you'd like it to mean. We rely on our families a lot for the first 18 years of our lives. Then we get shipped off to college, as is the custom in our society, and we enjoy ourselves without our family for 4+ years. But after that, or hell, even during that, we should be remembering who raised us, who made us who we are today. And if you've got a good family that's there for you when you need them most, take more advantage of that, and don't take it for granted. I love my family to death, and as CRAZY as they make me, I'm grateful for everything they do for me, and for them just being them. I suggest you should do the same if you're not already doing so.
6. Friends are equally as important. Ya can't forget your buddies. Look back on how many friends you've had over the years, who has come and gone, and who has stuck by your side through it all. Don't forget to keep the good ones!
7. No one cares what other people think. That statement in itself provides a bit of irony, but you catch my drift, yes? Who cares what you look like, what you're wearing, etc.? Only you decide how you feel about YOU. Ignore all the people that feel entitled to judge you. You do YOU. 'Cause you're awesome. And that's that.
8. Living with your parents isn't as bad as you think. I'm serious. I may complain like crazy about how I need to move out and get a place of my own, but, DUDE, do you know how much money I'm saving by living at home for a little while longer? Free rent, utilities, groceries; it's all so much better than having to worry about paying for any of those things yourself. So embrace your childhood home for a little while longer and save yourself some cash.

10. Life is all about balance. Though you may have already set all your priorities straight, from time to time you can fo'gedda 'bout 'em. School, work, friends, family, fun - you can have it all, if you manage your time well enough. Balance it all out, give everything an equal amount of time and weight in your life, and you will be happier. I guarantee it.
11. You learn to love the little things even more. As you grow older, you begin to see that it's the little things that make life worth living and that make you much happier.
12. You read more. And you love it. Though maybe you don't exactly have the time to be reading, you make time for it anyway, and it's awesome. You admire the classics that you read in high school and early college, and you realize: Hey! That's some good writing. And you enjoy it and you escape through it and you read more and more and more. And it makes you happy.
13. You appreciate things more. I don't know why, but maybe it's because you're finally starting to really grow up. You look back on all the great stuff you've been given in your life, and you're extremely grateful. And you should be damn proud of the fact that you're so grateful.
14. You've become "the planner." You love to get together with old friends and new friends. So you set dates, you go all out with invitations, parties, decorations, food, etc. And you create the greatest events ever. Sure, maybe your friends don't have as much fun at your events, but your events sure as hell look great. Keep up the planning - get together with those friends you haven't seen in a while. Coordinate. And have fun with it.
15. You're more determined than ever. You've had a whole bunch of dreams and goals you've wanted to achieve at this point in life, and maybe some of them you have and some of them you haven't. Either way, you're determined to get to the next one, and you work your way (however hard you may have to work or push through) to that goal and when you get it done, you are both relieved and frustrated. Because now there's more to be done. You will never be satisfied in achieving just one goal, it's in our human nature to continue to long for something else even after we've obtained what we thought we were originally longing for. But you know what? That's okay. Keep shooting for the moon, and if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
16. You care more about your health. Mental and physical. You realize all this stress in your life is getting you nowhere, and you need to just chill out. So you do, or you try to at least, and it seems to make everything feel so much better. Your body feels a whole lot healthier when you learn to stress less, eat better, and exercise. Once again, it's all about the balance.
17. Take more pictures. You have been doing this, but it wouldn't kill you to take a zillion more. Document the good times, so you can always remember them. Especially in your old age when you get all senile and whatever and you don't remember a damn thing. It'll be good to look back on those fun times through your own photographs. So invest in a cheap camera, even if it's disposable, buy some photo albums or display your photos in your home. Whatever it takes to make you love taking more photos and sharing them with everyone you know and love. Brag a little, too. Even if nobody cares about your good times, you've got yourself to care. And that's all that should matter.
18. The older you get, the wiser you become. This may not be true of everyone, and it's probably not even true of myself, but I like to think that it is. I look back on who I was in middle school, high school, etc., and I see how much I've changed. And I'm often so glad that I've changed because it makes me a better and happier person. You learn from your mistakes, and you learn that change is good. And you become all the wiser because of these things, and you feel great about it.
20. Life requires a lot of decision making. And it's gonna be hard, and it's gonna suck. But you're gonna have to do it anyway. And there are big decisions to make, but there are also little ones. Either way, take them all seriously, and practice making good ones, so that when the time comes, you'll be ready to make the biggest decisions you'll ever have to make.
21. Coffee is the greatest invention of all mankind. Okay, so that may be an exaggeration, but if you drink coffee, you know what I mean. I cannot live without it. I need it to function as a normal human being. Drinking coffee is like some weird kind of "Rite of Passage" - once you start, you become sickly addicted, and it turns into a whole other part of your life. Almost like having a third arm or something.
22. You've got a lot of responsibilities now. Not that you didn't before, but now you begin to realize how much you really do have. But like I've said before, you've made it this far - so keep going. You'll survive. Trust me, if you're on a computer now, reading this, and you have the time to read this, you're gonna be okay. But don't take your responsibilities so lightly. Even the smallest ones are important. Don't forget that.
23. Maybe growing up isn't as bad as you thought. As a kid, many nights before bed, I would ask my mom as she was tucking me in, "What's it like to be a grown-up?" And she would tell me and I would conclude that I never wanted to grow up. I wanted to be the next female Peter Pan. But guess what? You can't stop time, there is no Fountain of Youth, and life travels forward. So deal with it. But guess what else? Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. And it ain't so bad. It's actually, maybe even fun.
Hope this helped all you big kids at heart. I feel you on a whole other level! But it gets better. Hang tight.
xoxo, Clare
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