Lately I have been feeling really down on myself in all areas and aspects of my life, and I realize that I am the only person who can do anything about it. So why not write about it? I would imagine writing out a list of ways to help me feel better about me would be quite helpful. Here goes nothing.
Before I get into my "steps" to How to Feel Better about Yourself, I think it would make sense to start off by explaining to you what it's like to dislike yourself (if you're not familiar with the feeling). I know plenty of people dislike something about themselves (which is very sad and unfortunate and I wish I could help change everyone's minds on the subject), but I feel that not many people actually hate themselves or very strongly dislike everything about themselves. I could be wrong on that, but I don't honestly think I am. I think people who don't suffer from depression or severe anxiety like myself view themselves much differently -- in a much more positive light. Let me just say that it sucks a whole lot to truly hate oneself. I see myself as fat, ugly and stupid. I wish I was different person almost all the time. It's really not a fun way to live, as I'm sure you can imagine.
I realize you may be thinking, "Well then, do something about it. Make the changes." And yeah, I know, I've heard this a million times. I can change things for myself to make things better. But nothing is ever that easy. Nothing that is ever easy is worth it. Or however that saying goes. It's difficult for me, as well as many of other people out there, to build up the energy and motivation to make those drastic changes. Of course it would be worth it, and of course it's what I want - to be better. You just have to realize that, like many things in life, all of that is much easier said than done.
That having been said, I'm working on changing those things I hate about myself (as much as can be changed), and I'm here to help you, too, get an idea of how to do so.

2. Exercise. Goes hand-in-hand with the eating healthy. When you feel physically well, you feel mentally and emotionally well, too. Whether you're into the workout scene or you just enjoy taking a short walk around the block, take time out to do something.
3. Tell yourself three positive things a day. Just three small positive affirmations a day can make a world of a difference. Look in the mirror and tell yourself something you like about YOU: "You are beautiful," "You are smart," etc. And if you find yourself forgetting to do this step, put little sticky notes all over the place with some of those compliments on them.
4. Do something kind for someone else. When you do good for others, you feel better. It's just a fact. That homeless guy on the corner could use a dollar, hold the door open for someone coming in after you, pay for the next person at the drive-thru's order, etc. It can be something so so simple, and it will make you feel good about being a good person.

6. Get a good night's sleep. 8-10 hours is your best bet, no matter how old you are. Get a good night's rest and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. You'll feel ready to take on the day in a much better mood and with a much more positive attitude.
7. Spend time with people who love you and make you happy. Be with friends and family who enjoy your company. Avoid the people who bring you down by bullying you and insulting you for no good reason. You don't deserve that. You're better than they say you are. Spend more time with the people who build you up and love you for who you are. And don't forget to have a good time with them, you deserve to be happy.
That's all I've got for you today, folks. Hope that was helpful. Stay warm. I'll write more again soon. Thanks for reading.