I hope all is well with y'all today!
For today's post, I want to write about something very relevant to things going on in the world, the media, as well as in my own life. I think it's an important subject matter to address and for all of us to be aware of- and that is the subject of depression and suicide.
As many of you may already well know- I have suffered from depression, anxiety, as well as suicidal ideologies and tendencies for a long time now. Fighting these mental illnesses and helping others fight them has become a most important cause to me over the years. I "work"/"volunteer" for a non-profit organization that a dear friend of mine created back in 2007 called Defeat Depression. It is basically just a page on Facebook and mostly all over online that has recently grown to an audience of over 160,000- but it deals with helping many of those out there who are greatly suffering from depression or bipolar disorder or anxiety or schizophrenia, or any other mental illness out there that I have ignorantly neglected to mention. Between my two friends and I, we post important articles as well as inspiring quotes, messages, and images that we find and share them with all of our followers. We get mostly positive feedback from people who love the page and enjoy the cute little things we share. But of course there are always those out there that are in very bad places mentally and don't agree with our positivity or in the fact that we are trying to help them. I totally understand where these people are coming from- but it also frustrates me to see that they are just plain ol' giving up. I know it's OF COURSE not their fault- but we have to keep on trying and fighting to overcome such an awful predicament.
Recently, the subjects of depression and suicide have become a whirlwind of discussion topics in the media- all due to the death of comedian Robin Williams. It is truly an unbelievably sad story. The poor man suffered from depression for a long time, as well as addiction. He was in such a bad place that he felt the only way out was to end his own life. And he sadly succeeded in doing so. It is often the funny ones who satirically joke about the world that suffer tremendously. And we would never know unless they told us so.
I will admit that it somewhat upsets me over the fact that the subject is just barely coming to light with the death of this poor man- plenty of people in the world have and still do suffer from this illness day-to-day, hour-to-hour, minute-to-minute. I'm not saying I'm not sad about the death of Robin Williams, I am. And I feel awful that he, too, had to suffer so badly, and now his family is also more than likely suffering over their loss of such a great father, husband, friend, etc. But- here's the thing- depression has existed for as long as there has been life on this earth, and it is just now becoming a "fad" for people to tell others to be better aware of.
I personally feel that light is shed on such topics as these when it is personal. And that saddens me. I will say that I am happy to see people are finally starting to come around to the idea that those of us quiet ones need some comfort and support as often as possible. And also lately, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has been circling around and raising money and awareness as it does. Things like this restore my faith in humanity and I love love love to see it. But with the death of Robin Williams- it almost seems too late. Why couldn't we have raised more awareness, help, and support before?

The world has struggled with depression and mental illness for all of time. Individuals have suffered, loved ones of suicide victims have suffered, and those of you who consider us "crazy" or "messed up" obviously need to learn a thing or two about what's really going on. We all have suffered. We all have struggled.
Stand up and fight against depression. It's hurting people. Mentally and physically. And what's worse is- it's killing people. Save a life. Do something good for yourself, for us, for those suffering. You can make a difference.
And may Mr. Williams and all of those who have taken their lives because of such deep and dark depression, rest in peace.
Thanks for reading.
xoxo, Clare